Tubby Hayes and his Orchestra – 200% Proof 1969

Tubby Hayes and his Orchestra – 200% Proof (1969, Master Mix CD)


Greg Bowen, Ian Hamer, Les Condon, Kenny Wheeler (tp)

David Horler, Bill Geldard, Chris Pyne (tb)

Peter King, Alan Branscombe (as)

Tubby Hayes, Ronnie Scott (ts)

Harry Klein (bs)

Mike Pyne (p)

Louis Stewart (g)

Ron Matthewson (b)

Spike Wells (d)
The Inner Splurge

Jeff Clyne (b)

Tony Levin (d)

200 Percent Proof

Ian Hamer, Les Condon (tp)

Kenny Wheeler (flhorn)

David Horler (tb)

Tubby Hayes (ts)

Peter King (as)

Alan Branscombe (p)

Louis Stewart (g)

Jeff Clyne (b)

Spike Wells (d)

Octuple Blast
Kenny Wheeler (tp)

Chris Pyne (tb)

Tubby Hayes (ts)

Ron Matthewson (b)

Tony Levin (d)
Conversations At Dawn
Tubby Hayes (ts)

Chris Pyne (p)

Ron Matthewson (b)

Tony Levin (d)
Members Only

July 25th, 1969 (BBC broadcast)